Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Middle School Teacher - First Time!

So, I have a new job. Hooray! :D

I used to be a high school Math teacher, teaching solely pre-Algebra and Algebra topics-to all girls high school students. This time around, I'll be working with coed middle school students. See how I used the word 'working' instead of teaching or some other word? It's because I believe that when we work with others, learning from it isn't a one way process, rather a two way process, where everyone is involved.

Anyway, going back to my new job.
I'm very excited but quite nervous too. So, in symbols I can say excitement>nervous Lol.

I'm excited with all the changes happening. The transition from working with older students to the younger ones. The topics that we will be discussing which are not topics I'm not very much familiar teaching (besides my tutoring experience with a younger kid). I've been reading about strategies on how to teach middle school students and what things to be considered. I'll be working at a charter school which again, is something very new to me. I might teach three subjects this year. Probably besides Math, I'll be doing Science and Social Studies which again, the latter two are totally new to me. So, I'm really eager to try and get my feet wet in these waters. Plus, I'll be teaching in a multi level classroom! I think it's awesome!There are pros and cons to teaching in a multi level classroom, but that's fine, everyone has to start somewhere and then eventually be better at it. Excited to meet new students and parents too!

On the other hand, I'm feeling nervous because it's a totally new school environment for me. I have studied and taught in a very structured school where everyone's a stickler for rules and there are specific rules for everything. Like how to behave in the classroom (no usage of mobile phones) or that of proper wearing of uniform. Well, I learned that in the new school I'll be in, there are rules but, isn't like what I have been used to. I'm afraid that I might still carry too much of this strictness in me and might scare off the students. So, I'm really trying and preparing to be less of the stickler for rules. I've actually decided to set classroom rules with the students. Let them suggest and decide on rules that we may use, then I can add more if necessary and then, approve and all of us can agree. Nervous too because I have been accustomed to learning and teaching in the traditional method of reading, memorizing, solving and just sticking with paper work. Whereas the school I'm in now is implementing project based learning, which I'm not very familiar with. So here I am, two weeks into reading about project based learning and how to best use it for learning. I love this idea! I mean, students use their hands and actually actively involve themselves in learning and not just simply sitting back just to memorize and solve/ answer questions. 

So, I'm loving the school, the teachers, the administration and the few students I've met. They are absolutely adorable and awesome. I love how kids here behave properly because they have the freedom to, but still keeping in mind that they are responsible of their actions. It feels less stressful for me to try and control them. I've been used to strictly implementing and pushing students to do stuff which limits them from being comfortable and at ease with their peers or with me. 

I'm excited to share new things I will learn such as strategies, project based activities and more!

Well, I'm looking forward to following and reading more teacher blogs because we all learn from each other. Cheers to this new chapter in my life!

If you are reading this blog and would like to suggest articles, strategies or any comment about teaching middle schoolers, please feel free to leave a comment. I would appreciate it so much!

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